Thursday, 16 August 2012

Different Types of Acne

There are many types of acne, ranging from mild to severe, affecting people of all ages. While some people deal with just the occasional blemish on otherwise creamy skin, others are left battling vicious acne that affects their sense of worth.
Acne Vulgaris is among the most common types of acne that affect people, but it includes many different types of blemishes.
Types of Acne
Blackheads occur when a pore becomes partially blocked with dead skin cells, bacteria and oil. The black appearance of this pimple is not caused by dirt, but actually by the skin's own pigment reacting with oxygen in the air. Blackheads can be stubborn to cure.

Whiteheads are the result of a completely blocked pore. The pore fills with bacteria, oils and dead skin cells, which give the trapped pore a white appearance. Whiteheads tend to heal more quickly than blackheads.
Papules are infected red bumps on the surface of the skin that do not come to a head. These should never be squeezed, as this will only infect the papule, slow down healing and possibly lead to scarring.
Pustules are akin to whiteheads, except these blemishes are inflamed and red in appearance with a white or yellow center. Most pimples or zits, as they are commonly known, tend to be pustules.
Nodules are a severe type of acne that features hardened lumps under the skin's surface, which can last for months. Nodules should never be squeezed. Squeezing only causes the nodules to last much longer than they originally might. Nodules can recur, coming back again and again. Sometimes they must be surgically extracted if they become too painful and are not healing.
Cystic Acne
Cystic acne is one of the most extreme varieties of Acne Vulgaris. These inflamed soft pus filled skin bumps are large, painful and difficult to treat. Cystic acne can affect both the face and body and typically measure at least 5 milimeters.
Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea looks like a red rash. It affects millions of people, most often adults over the age of 30. Pimples often accompany the rash, which is typically limited to the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead.
Acne Conglobata
Acne Conglobata is an extremely severe form of acne, most commonly occurring to males between the ages of 18 and 30 years of age. Distinctive hallmarks of this type of acne include numerous large blemishes, which often overlap, combined with many large blackheads. This severe acne can last for years and cause tremendous scarring.
Consult a dermatologist to help you decide on the best acne treatments.